Publications and Conference Presentations
- Alhotan, M.M., Jia, C., Alsousy, A., Delshad, M., and Sepehrnoori, K. Impact of Permeability Heterogeneity Coupled with Well Placement Strategy on Underground Hydrogen Storage Reservoir Simulation, SPE-213257-MS, Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show 2023
- Alhotan, M.M., Delshad, M., and Sepehrnoori, K. Effect of Grid Resolution on Underground Hydrogen Storage Compositional Reservoir Simulation, SPE-213276-MS, Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show 2023.
- Bhattacharya, S., Melani, L., Martinez-Donate, A., Schuba, N., and Moscardelli, L., 2023, Petrophysical challenges in salt characterization and their implications on hydrogen storage: A case study from the Castile-Salado salt in the Permian Basin, United States, IMAGE (AAPG-SEG) Annual Meeting, Houston (under review)
- Bhattacharya, S., Delshad, M., Fernandes, M., and Hotan, M., 2023, Monitoring hydrogen storage in the subsurface, integrating reservoir simulation and geophysics, IMAGE (AAPG-SEG) Annual Meeting, Houston (under review)
- Delshad, M.; Umurzakov, Y.; Sepehrnoori, K.; Eichhubl, P.; Batista Fernandes, B.R., 2022, Hydrogen Storage Assessment in Depleted Oil Reservoir and Saline Aquifer, Energies, 15, 8132.
- Delshad, M., Alhotan, M.M., Fernandes, B.R.B., Umurzakov, Y., and Sepehrnoori, K., Modeling Flow and Transport in Saline Aquifers and Depleted Hydrocarbon Reservoirs for Hydrogen Energy Storage, SPE Journal, Accepted, March 2023.
- Duffy, O. B., Hudec, M.R, Peel, F., Apps, G., Bump, A., Moscardelli, L., Dooley, T. P., Bhattacharya, S., Wisian, K., and Shuster, M., The Role of Salt Tectonics in the Energy Transition: An Overview and Future Challenges, 2023, Vol. 1, No. 1
- Duffy, O. B., Moscardelli, L., Hudec, M. R., Looff, K., Dooley, T. P., Peel, F., Apps, G., and Shuster, M., 2022, Potential controls on the origin, nature, and distribution of shear zones in salt stocks: salt tectonic insights with a solution mining perspective, Solution Mining Research Institute Spring 2022 Technical Conference, 24 p.
- Lin, Ning; Chen, Yayun, Madariaga, Maria P.. Route-to-Market Strategy for Low-Carbon Hydrogen from Natural Gas in the Permian Basin, Fuel. Under review.
- Lin, Ning; Xu, Liying; Moscardelli, Lorena G. Market-Based Asset Valuation of Hydrogen Geological Storage, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Under review.
- Ruiz Maraggi L.M. and Moscardelli L.G. 2023. Modeling hydrogen storage capacities, injection and withdrawal cycles in salt caverns: Introducing the GeoH2 salt storage and cycling app. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. In press.
- Schuba, C. N. & Moscardelli, L. (accepted). Subsurface storage in the Mississippi Salt Basin domes. AAPG Bulletin.
- Yan, K.J., Jie, X.Y., Li, X.Q., Horita, J., Stephens, J., Hu, J.L.,Yuan, Q.W., 2023. Microwave-enhanced methane cracking for clean hydrogen production in shale rocks, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (online).
- Bhattacharya, S., Hosseini, S.A., and Rine, M.J., 2021, Integrating 3D seismic and petrophysics to characterize hydrogen storage capacity in the Michigan Basin pinnacle reef reservoirs, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 2021 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas
- Delshad, M., Alhotan, M., Batista Fernandes, B.R., Umurzakov, Y., and Sephrnoori, K., 2022, Pros and Cons of Saline Aquifers Against Depleted Hydrocarbon Reservoirs for Hydrogen Energy Storage, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
- Delshad, M., Mehrabi, M., Ganjdanesh, R., Eichhubl, P., Umurzakov, Y., Sepehrnoori, K. - Simulations of Hydrogen Storage in Sedimentary Geologic Formations, 2021, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 2021 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas
- Duffy, O.B., Moscardelli, L., Hudec, M.R., and Shuster, M.W., 2021, Assessing the Hydrogen Storage Potential of Onshore Texas Salt Structures, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 2021 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas
- Javadpour, F. - Hydrogen Diffusion in Caprock of Depleted Reservoirs and Saline Aquifers, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 2021 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas
- Lin, N., Araque, A., 2021, Hydrogen Geological Storage Valuation Framework, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 2021 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas
- Moscardelli, L., Duffy, O., Zhang, J., Andrews, J. and M. Shuster, 2022, Subsurface H2 storage: The role of understanding salt dome caprocks: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, 19-22 April, 2022 - Cartagena, Colombia
- Moscardelli, L., Shuster, M. and O. Duffy, 2022, Salt formations and their role as H2 storage real estate: EAGE workshop H2 Underground Storage - Defining a roadmap to determine the feasibility of any underground gas storage (porous media and salt caverns) to store hydrogen, 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 6-9 June, 2022, Madrid, Spain
- Moscardelli, L., 2022, Salt Formations and Their Role as H2 Storage Real Estate: Elsevier Webinar, 25 October, 2022
- Moscardelli, L., 2022, H2 storage in salt formations: A Texas perspective: Oklahoma and the Energy Transition, Oklahoma Geological Society Workshop, 17 November, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- Ruiz Maraggi, L, 2022, AAPG Latin America Virtual Symposium Presentation 2nd December 2022: Modeling Hydrogen Storage Capacities, Injection and Withdrawal Cycles in Salt Caverns Using the GeoH2 Salt Storage and Cycling App
- Schuba, C. N., Moscardelli L., Lawton, T., & Gary, G. G., 2022, Significance of Paleogeography for Cavern Placement in Bedded Salts: A Case Study from West Texas & New Mexico. AAPG’s Hydrogen 2022 Virtual Technical Symposium.
- Shuster, M.W. 2022, Hydrogen at Scale - Why Geology Matters, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 2021 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas
- Shuster, M., 2021, Hydrogen at Scale in the United States, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference
- Shuster, M., 2021, Hydrogen at Scale in the United States, Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission Annual Meeting
- Shuster, M., 2021, Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission Annual Meeting, May, 2021
- Yayun Chen, Ning Lin - The impacts of hydrogen storage market growth on Houston Hub, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 2021 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas